Refund Policy
Katie Dreaming in Color partners with a several print fulfillment services. All orders are printed on demand for each customer after the order is received. Since items are made to order we cannot accept returns, refunds, or exchanges unless it is due to a mistake on our side.
Damages and issues
Please inspect your order upon receipt, if your item arrives damaged, or is different from what you had ordered please contact me within 30 days from receiving your order at We may request photos or other documentation from you so we can verify the issues with your order and work to make it right. If your request is approved, we will either work to get you out a replacement item or refund your order. Items sent back without first requesting a return will not be accepted.
Order Revisions/Cancellations
Once you have completed your order you have 24 hours to cancel or request changes to your order. Contact me within 24 hours if you need to modify or cancel your order at
Order Never Arrived
First check your order confirmation and verify that you entered the correct shipping address. If the address was incorrect on the order, we can resend the order to the correct address, but associated costs for reprinting and shipping will be at your expense.
If the shipping address was correct, get in touch with us noting your order number at so we can investigate further.